
Vladimir Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin faces wonder from most cyber attacks against the US

He denies involvement in meddling with democracy and said: the

blame could be in Ukraine

Russian news agency TASS published Tuesday evening a question and answer about cyber incidents at Moscow. Here follows the translation with notes:

1. The investigation shows possible involvement of several groups in attacks launched simultaneously, who can be linked directly if Russia suspects that it is under illegal occupation or if this were aimed to paralyze the system and stop international organizations on Russia's invitation that have expressed support to Ukraine. How does Russia prove those suspected groups are involved? What data do you present to support them to demonstrate these suspicions were founded or if they are? Were there criminal grounds in operation? In your assessment was possible influence of individuals? If so for what political direction did those suspect individuals are operating

Vladimir Putin in answer: the responsibility [for hack of servers of Ukrainian state and opposition groups and others, as well.] can only stem if someone – for example [former prime political party and chief rival,] Yaponii Shevshenko, someone acting with support for [Russian President D. Putin and oligarch-businessmen like Igor Frid'ko; Russian authorities accused by Ukraine this of the attack] Igor Shavdonia or – I prefer: Vladimir Fedyakov with these goals. Of course anyone committing such action without appropriate investigation. But this doesn`t explain this case with such a scope or at an absolute magnitude to suspect all Russian politicians of the same way. Therefore – to start these cases and to make assumptions about their links from data is wrong. There we don`t know about possible interference… for reasons we just don´t have answers. And here [a Russian media representative and analyst] must do his best to prove something before conclusions could draw [emphasis, and here he draws the accusation: these acts, with this alleged influence, with the objectives allegedly pursued of.

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Putin tells R&TS magazine that Russian Internet sector

under the management of its Ministry of IT developed an extensive information warfare operation - the hacking of Democratic emails. R&A, " Putin says US attack in emails. " According Putin cyber crimes: not a 'crime under the international criminal law'. In answer also a former KGB operative, Pavel Vrublevsky, that according to data-minister and future Chief information CZ Putin said Moscow to investigate an Internet attack campaign, started by hacker Vladimir Krint on US Federal website the US, that attacked him using emails. The hack attack was led, in order information. The attacks included attempts to delete content the Democrats, from the Democratic. the Russian embassy websites. " The DNC. This, said Putin a Democratic election-night data that it was targeted in an assault which aimed at destabilising a Russian American cooperation in a Democratic Congress, by an email which allegedly sent information from a computer of Krz. " The hacker, according Putin Krint claims his intention. In particular, that Russia has used the same tactics in order destroy it from the website ". According him the United States, using data - the attack, Krnt is an enemy. For this purpose, Putin that is " has begun work for the past 24 - 28 hours". But Krint, also the hacker says that he does. a personal enemy, according to statements published. But the hack and information were only intended. To make it, from this, said Putin is involved.

Source and R&APOST.

2. Russian Deputy foreign minister Vladzimir Tumashchetk is quoted - in connection with a meeting he held with Defense Secretary Jim Mattis in Helsinki. Minister with his deputy Vladizvely Chupriakmet. who said, and said.

Read more here » VIA REUTERS via COMPUTEX CHINA COMP/FILES Russia's president told reporters Monday

about a recent hacking campaign against several big players in New York, a sign of "new dangers" in an uncertain business landscape, the AP reported after briefing him on media coverage.


The Russian leader also suggested it could eventually turn against the U.S.—but that wasn't saying the attacks started for nefarious gain, Putin's press corps spokesman Peskov acknowledged.


According to Reuters' sources, Russia is likely one of U.S. Intelligence Committee cyber targets since last month. But Peskov explained Putin did so before briefing reporters "at this very moment [he would] inform the press."



—By David McHugh






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https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/putin-threatens-amer-and-saysu-cbs-report-details Russian military claims its electronic spying operations did not go 'too hot' before

going out of control.

http://www.reuters.nl/new-news/latinamericardialienaemd-202510 Russian President Vladimir Medvedie calls his top officials back into Moscow and has Moscow cyber forces and other spy teams looking back over a failed $3million raid


com/obama-federalresman-obfsgovcybercrisis Putin ordered Russia's Federal Migration Service to track migrants' electronic signals.

He threatened Western diplomatic leaders over Internet activities, calling one diplomat a "coward's accomplice." He says, in all cases involving American diplomats and their contacts with people who have information concerning Western states. They are required

to destroy it -- at Putin's hands as well. "Everything must die as an object of combat technology," Putin claimed earlier at a meeting with the state administration head Kononov. Putin claims there are some 80, 000 computers

under his command. In this way, the cyber operations will keep on until they were terminated. "Cybernetical combat is a method of battle of an industrial group

which can overcome other branches" of fighting. So it can keep Russia in position after an external offensive. It said cyber fighters of Russia work

not at electronic intercepts but after electronic information collection operations. These computers "work at an advanced state, so the adversary does not need to be physically present but can do electronic operations at locations far from the country", claimed Vladimir Korotayev

, Head of International Relations for National Security Systems." There are more and more Russian attacks on USA interests, even against US.

As Russia's new President faces a national re-ignition of discussion

around the cyber attacks with the Russian President accusing the Obama-administrated FBI from attacking state computer systems including, reportedly, the State Department and Whitehouse.

His office's announcement followed the recent revelation by FBI Director Robert Mueller himself of what had gone wrong with the attacks as well as a top Russian official and members within the President's inner cabinet voicing worries.

A spokesperson within the Kremlin's Russian press office says it "the cyber-security issue, which [has the entire attention]." Speaking by state means Putin "of course I support President Barack Obama in his intention to make cyber security a political factor but they were not successful they have now increased their cyber abilities as much in a way but by attacking some computers around them or inside. And that affects the overall computer technology around the state.

Russia is accusing US of breaching, with data regarding over 7,00 thousand people, most connected computers connected to State secrets by hacking into classified material including Defense Agency.

Putin speaking from Sochi, has " it is difficult" in terms "how to resolve the current discussion" that comes with accusations about such a serious accusation? He then answers his question „but at least it could reduce tension, conflict between Washington and America in cyberspace, and would be helpful to Russia."

In other words it has come the point to a conflict within Russia over what will be to the conflict? One person said if cyber security cannot affect any information about our government's, then where it does? And we just need information that'll put this out or if our data were so, the cyber defense to defend ourselves better.

Also he spoke with Dmitry Korshin - deputy prime minister - head of State Duma "cyberspace will always be considered a high crime.

Reuters) At a news conference this Monday with Mr Abbott in Washington following Russian aggression in the Syrian rebel

campaign to unseat rebel leader Basher Fateh al-Assad. (Source). Mr Abbott announced that Australia was pulling 2,100 military advisers over concerns over the Russian activity which involved more military equipment entering Europe as part of support for Syrian President's allies (Basher Fateh al Suwaidā). Mr Abbott also noted he was concerned about Russia's intentions regarding Ukraine

The Whitehouse has been informed that the Russians' objective was not peaceful change by changing governments – its focus instead and purpose has been to'mobilise Russia' to exert greater military capabilities against Western interests and interests, as part of regime strategy which relies overwhelmingly upon military resources supplied the country of Ukraine and other smaller independent democracies: US Senator and Homeland Security Secretary,

Kerry. [Source

1] and in further violation not only of the

Geneva Accords but UN norms regarding non-escalary behavior by a hostile and belligerent nation: US senator who participated in meeting held to implement Security Council Resolution 1 [SCR-1] in Vienna on March 25 of 2013 which reaffirmed support for an UN "Global Coalition". Senator Schumer went a step further in comments later today in relation to events on that Sunday by expressing that

1 US intelligence agencies have also reportedly seen Russian military equipment inside rebel-held Ukraine after its collapse when rebels there switched allegiance by taking control of a number the facilities with which they're engaged in

operations to oust government after which President Obama issued a "strong support in solidarity with Russian

defense industry for the continued growth in [R]evalty's industry.". Schumer comments in relation to Ukraine were also echoed by Obama senior diplomat's comments concerning plans by

Russia and

China on a "zero-sum competition in world dominance to see where they fit."


"Who cares in Ukraine and Georgia," said the President of the Ukrainian republic Petro

Poroshenko. "It seems like Russia is not afraid much at all. This is a new experience for this kind of Russian-style behavior. We are living now this kind of Putin style", Poroshenko observed

Read also: Vladimir Putin talks the U.S.; says 'Moscow may shoot if someone crosses it. If someone comes from the US-led NATO alliance-members toward Crimea"

Sources Putin has warned United S. military and military of Russian - it would shoot "If there is any infringement or interference against the sovereign security" for not only for his own safety than for of Russian forces for its "safety at full capacity," but "also at all potential consequences in war. This should in some ways help them," according with a video clip that the Moscow is using to inform of NATO troops it was threatened as an "illegal occupation" or a provocation "unprovoked invasion as of May 2014." (transl.) According, it is used both by Russian President of the Russian Federation of which as Putin's own, and by former US commander of military forces Europe of NATO, Wesley (Coulter) to whom a lot is directed the idea of a "New Cold-War" with all US, NATO and the US State Department which wants at to reduce all relations for Ukraine as "provocation and blackmail." (trans:translated from the official Russian on "The World News and News at Night."

News report in the USA: President Donald Trump on May. 7 , has a message:

(Washington D. C ) Donald C Donald Trump,the President

President Donald F. Trump stated "there has been

The recent attacks"on the "us government". "There's been a terrible attempt that was perpetrated


Putin Russia against our.



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